当前位置:优惠码 > 今日值得买 > 海淘值得买 > Walgreens(沃尔格林)优惠码 > 2017年新品!Maybelline 美宝莲 24K 12色裸色系眼影盘 $8.99(约65元)
  • 2017年新品!Maybelline 美宝莲 24K 12色裸色系眼影盘 $8.99(约65元)


    分类: 个护彩妆 推荐人:591yhw 发布时间:2017-02-19 18:37
       加微信: 348785990,备注:进群。获取最新优惠信息 | 每天更新0元单,漏洞单!。

    Walgreens 现有 2017年新品!Maybelline 美宝莲 24K 12色裸色系眼影盘,原价$11.99,现第2件半价,折后1件特价 $8.99(约65元),有效期至北京时间 2017年02月19日13点,满$35美国境内免邮。立即购买>>

    眼影也能透露出土豪的气息,快看看这枚美宝莲2017年新推出的24K 裸色系眼影盘吧!特别添加了金粉等,眼影blingbling的,满满的少女心。一共12个颜色,主要为大地色系,还包含紫色、靛蓝色等,一盒眼影让你轻松hold各种妆容。金色的眼影盒也挺精致的,现第2件半价,想要尝鲜就快看看咯~


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    Create countless gorgeous nude eyeshadow looks with Maybelline 24K Nudes Eyeshadow Palette. Reformulated to have a more buttery and pigmented texture, the 24K Nudes Palette features both metallic and matte shades for any smokey eye look.:

    Get gorgeously glam with the NEW 24k Nudes eye palette. This latest addition to our nudes palette collection has been reformulated to bring deeper pigmentation and a more silky texture and offers 12 shades of stunning, gold and jewel toned hues perfect for creating endless eye looks of your choosing.:

    The 24K Nudes Eyeshadow Palette by Maybelline. Go nude with sparkling, metallic and shimmering eyeshadows from gold to aubergine for versatile eye makeup looks.:

       加微信: 348785990,备注:进群。获取最新优惠信息 | 每天更新0元单,漏洞单!。
    标签: 新品  Maybelline  美宝莲  色系  眼影 

